Device with 1108XXXXXXX at line 1 could not be added. Please contact support for more information

I am having trouble adding one of our old RUT240’s to the RMS cloud.

We have tried a factory default but this did not solve the issue


Has your RUT240 been added to the RMS before? If it has, the issue is most likely because it has not been unregistered from the previous account.

Best Regards,


We have owned it since new and it has never been added this would be the first time adding it.
is there any way to check if it could be connected to another rms?

Best regards


Yes, we could check it. However, I’ll need some sensitive information about your RUT240. I’ve sent you a form via email to fill out so I can contact you privately. Please use ‘5336’ as the ticket ID.

Best Regards,

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