I am using the RUT956 router and have configured it to send data to AWS every minute. While I am receiving data for each minute without delay, it appears to be buffered, as I end up receiving around 43-49 buffered data points at once. I have also updated the firmware, but the issue still persists. Could you please help me understand how to resolve this issue?
I am using Modbus serial communication to send energy management data to AWS. I have RUTX50, RUT951, and RUT200 routers, and all of them are experiencing the same issue. I have also tried using Modbus TCP Master, but the problem persists. Could you please guide me on how to resolve this issue?
I suspect the issue might be in Modbus serial client settings. If I understand your setup correctly, there basically should be two periods in the whole configuration:
Modbus serial client: Frequency > Period Period > This indicates of how often your router will request Modbus data from a serial device. If it is set to 10 seconds let’s say, then it will generate ~6 data points per minute. Timeout > Indicates how long in seconds will router wait for the response https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUT955_Modbus#Modbus_Serial_Client
Data to Server feature (From the provided screenshots I notice that you’re using older FW, so it might be named differently): Period > Yours is set to 60, meaning that requested, received and buffered Modbus data will be sent to your MQTT server on AWS every 60 seconds.
These two periods need to match, for example, if you set both periods to 60 seconds, then data will be requested and sent via MQTT every 60 seconds.
I suggest checking that out first, hopefully, this will solve the issue.