Can you share your configuration so that I can replicate it locally? I have tried to configure a custom script on RUTX50 (FW 7.08.2). After power cycle, custom script was not deleted and it performed as expected.
Couldn’t able to attach the files on the case so that’s why sent the files through email. Can you please test it test with a RUT955 as this is the device with the issue and running version RUT9_R_00.07.06.3. This issue was also noticed in versions 7.5 and previous.
Can you please tell me how to send you the config files because over here I’m unable to attach the files? I have also tried to reply to your email and I got the reply back saying “Thank you for contacting us. Please be advised that this email account is unmonitored and we will not be able to respond to any inquiries or requests sent to this address.” . Can you please suggest me how to send files to you?
Currently, we are looking into options for private messages. For the meantime, can you send your request by contacting us in Teltonika Networks Website? Thank you for your patience.