Crash with APN-change at RUTX50

I have a RUTX50 with newest FW RUTX_R_00.07.09.1

If I change the SIM-APN of an previous existing SIM-caord the router crashes

Just a reset to the user-settings wakes him up again- until the next APN-change :frowning:

What do you mean “crashes”?

The Router can´t be connected through LAN, WLAN or VPN anymore.

And it’s only after changing APN? How are you trying to reach your device?

And also, can you provide exact steps what are you doing to make it “crash”?





Are you sure you put correct APN? Are you trying to reach router through mobile? Is the router’s LAN address

  1. O2-APN is correct (I´ve already used it before the UK-SIM !)
  2. Yes, but per Standard-SIM 1 (Changes are SIM2)
  3. IP Router:

Are you sure that SIM1 is selected as default SIM (because from it you are trying to reach the router, as I understood)?

I think you making some kind of misconfiguration which leads to disconnection of the router and it becomes not reachable.

You are right I can connect to the through WLAN but not by VPN.
WLAN to Teltonika: Connection SIM 1 is active and green :frowning: :slight_smile:
I have to search the mistake at my wireguard-VPN-Connection,
but don´t know, where it could be

Okey, so you said that you are changing APN for SIM2 and then what?

Unfortunately I can´t test SIM2, because there is no credit on O2-account,
I think It´s the best to wait until tomorrow because the dyndns-IP´s- they doesn´t mach actually

So if you made connection on SIM2 with no data left, it’s expected to VPN not to work.

I did a new Start and Reset of all connecions- and now it works !
As you predicted, it was a connection problem (VPN) and not a problem of the firmware !
Thank you for your support

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You’re welcome

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