Connecting two RUTX11 via WIFI

for a RC autonoumos i need to connect two RUT X11 routers.
There is a router on the boat and at the basestation. I kind of got it working by hosting an access point on the basestation router and joining to it as a client with the boat router. I enabled relaying for the DHCP address. Now i have the Problem:
If im connected to the access point via the access point wifi or ethernet i cant access

  1. the webinterface of the boat router
  2. the webinterface that is running on an raspberry Pi

The Ip addresses i put up are
Basestation router:
Boat router:
Raspberry pi

When im in the Network Status Menu i can these DHCP leases show up:

Macbook (me)
raspberry pi

Im running UAV-Matrix on the Raspberry Pi. When i configure in the software the UDP destination of my laptop it connects to the software.

Thanks for any answers in advance
Best regards

Hi SimonPe05,

To access WebUI of boat router, enable remote HTTP access under System → Administration → Access Control.

In Boat Router WebUI, go to Network → Firewall → Generall → Under Zone Forwarding: Lan to Wan → Click edit icon → add wan in Allow forward from source zones.

You should be able to access raspberry pi from basestation router.

Let me know if this helps.


this just solved all of my problems! Thank you very much!!!
Best Regards
Simon Perzul

Hi @SimonPe05,

glad to hear that. Please mark @Janmiguel’s answer as the solution.
This will help others who have similar problems.

Timelapse Admin

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