Configuring WAN Port as LAN on RUTX10

I am using the RUTX10 router, which is currently connected to a WAN network via Wi-Fi (WAN-WiFi client). I have configured port forwarding between the WAN Wi-Fi and LAN successfully.

However, I would like to repurpose the physical WAN port on the router to act as a fourth LAN port. Could you please guide me on how to configure the router to achieve this functionality?


Thank you for reaching out.

For configuring the WAN port as a LAN port on your RUTX10 router, we have a detailed configuration example available in our wiki article here.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Best regards!

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Thank you for your response. I genuinely searched for information in the Wiki, but I only checked the section for the RUTX10, where the configuration for the opposite scenario was described. Thank you once again!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could assist.

If you have any further questions or need assistance – feel free to reach out.

Best regards!

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