Configuring the switch through a rut956

Hello, I have a teltinika rut956 and can you assist with the step by step instruction for configuring the switch that’s connected to the rut956 and configuring it using a laptop also connected to the same rut956 via ethernet cable.


It’s quite difficult to explain without knowing what kind of switch you have. Can you tell me what switch you’re using? Nonetheless, I believe it would be much more efficient to configure the switch directly. For this, you should contact the manufacturer of that switch.

Additionally, is it a managed switch or not? Unmanaged switches do not require any configuration; they are plug-and-play devices.

Kind regards,

Hey, the switch is cisco 2901 and it is managed.


As I mentioned before, for external manufacturers like Cisco, you should contact them directly for assistance with configuration.

Kind regards,