Communication between rut950 and rut230

Good afternoon, I have a problem.
I have a RUT230 with a static mobile IP. In its network, a controller is connected and port forwarding is configured to port 502.
When I am on the RUT230 WiFi network, I can access the controller via ModBus TCP.
And if I connect from a regular network, no matter where, there is also a connection.
I also have a RUT950 with similar settings as RU230 (network, controller
Problem: From the RUT230 network I cannot connect via static IP to RUT950. And vice versa from RUT950 to RUT230.
What should I change in the settings to fix this?


Thank you for your question.

  1. Could you please clarify how are the RUT950 and RUT230 connected?

*LAN to WAN?

*LAN to LAN?

*WAN to WAN?

*Mobile WAN to Mobile WAN?

*Over WiFi?

*Over VPN?

  1. I would like to request some screenshots with port forward rules present. Please blur sensitive information for example public IP addresses if they are present.

  2. If your wan interfaces are used to connect RUT230 and RUT950 it’s necessary to enable remote access for data movement using 502 port, otherwise session might not work. Static routes are needed for reaching opposite LAN’S.

Static routing example: LAN Traffic Splitting Using Advanced Static Routing Rules - Teltonika Networks Wiki (

Open device Services → Modbus → Modbus TCP server → enable remote access

system → administration → access control → SSH → Remote SSH access


  1. Network model would be appreciated to solve your issue easier. Please make your network model example.

5.If you’re using LAN to WAN wired connection or VPN for connecting devices they cant have same subnet for example RUT230 and RUT950 should have LAN network in same default range like It should look something like this RUT230 (, RUT950(

Please provide me with required information to easier solve your issue.

Best regards,


  1. Mobile WAN to Mobile WAN

  2. The first screenshot is the settings of RUT230. The second screenshot is the settings of RUT950.

  1. I had enabled SSH and HTTP remote access punts on both devices. I can see the Service - Modbus tab on the RUT950. But I don’t see this tab on the RUT230 (screenshot 3)

  2. What exactly do I need to name?

  3. My network looks like this right now

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