Comment to RUTX50 real two SIM Modems or only One Modem with two slots

I was of the same impression and promoted the router to others on that presumption I will stop promoting and get rid of one of my SIM cards as it now seems redundant.

Not happy

Impression is one thing and reading the documentation another.
If you need 2 modems, 2 SIM’s then RUTX12 is your friend :slight_smile:

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I disagree RUTX12 might have two Modems but these are 4G and as they each have about half the speed then I will not be able to increase the speed.

I know its my mistake I could just have read the data cheat better instead I saw two Youtube reviews that both stated that the “modems” could work simultaneously so Im not the only one that have made the mistake.

So I will just get rid of one of the SIM’s and stop promoting the modem to others as the will product it would have been if it had two modems.

Yes then do that.
Teltonika is not offering any 5G 2 SIM 2 modem device at the moment.
It might change in future though but we’ll see.

And RUTX12’s 2x 300Mbit/s is pretty decent I’d say - for a mobile connection.

I hope for a 2x5G in the future :wink:

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