Changing IPSEC settings via ssh RUT240/241

Hello everyone.

I have problem with changing ipsec vpn settings on RUT240 via ssh.

I try to change files

Then i restart ipsec /etc/init.d/ipsec restart
After that, the settings return to the old ones.


The configuration file is /etc/config/ipsec.
Change it and restart ipsec you should have the correct settings in /tmp/ipsec/*



On RUT950002XXX Firmware RUT9_R_00.07.04.3 i have /etc/config/ipsec file. Thanx

But I no have this file on Firmware RUT2XX_R_00.01.14

Why you don’t upgrade it, using this URL?

Do you have an old hardware?
RUT240 devices with MeigLink SLM750 module are only supported on firmware version RUT2XX_R_00.01.14.4 and up.


I find file /etc/config/strongswan on RUT240
and i change ipsec settings on it.

Thanx for help.