Change virtual network operator (Border Problem)

I have installed a RUT956 and VODAFONE GERMANY CARD. Connceted current to VODAFONE Germany ( APN: Auto (

How can i SWITCH in RUT956 similar to Mobilphone to any other available Service provider e.g Polish One (PLUS, ORANGE, PLAY). How to get a list and choose one?


You can select a different operator by navigating to Network → Mobile → Network Selection in the WebUI.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,

Hallo, i have a complete different navigation

Your router’s firmware version 7.03.3 is quite outdated.
Upgrade to latest version and UNtick “Keep Settings”.
But be careful - you will be back (but working nicely) factory settings.
After that, go back to my print screen and you will see the same :wink:

RUT956 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki


As TeWe mentioned, it’s better to always upgrade to the latest firmware versions, as they include improvements and issue fixes. The latest firmware for your device is version 7.09.

Please upgrade the device and let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

Best Regards,

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