Thank you TD45 for the advice.
Tried it all, nothing helped.
Just remember, that this exact sim, worked 5 minutes ago in the old RUT240!
So, no roaming is necessary, since I moved only 3 feet away.
And the sim has always been registered right here - and worked in the RUT240.
I tried with and without roaming enabled.
I tried both with auto APN as well as with the mobile provider APN.
Is it possible, that since I purchase the RUTX11 directly from the OEM in Lithuania, that they somehow configured it for THERE? (Why would they? Well, they did send it with a European power plug on…)
I live in the US.
I think you purchased wrong RUTX11, because you shouldn’t get EU plug.
Routers are differentiated for regions, so you should change it which is suitable for your region.
See ordering table in: RUTX11 Gigabit Cellular Router
product code:
RUTX11 1*****
North America