Can't Login to RMS Portal, Didn't send me a email with VERIFICATION CODE

I try to log in with my credentials, I set up my credentials correctly and the moment I send the verification code to my email, they don’t send it to me…
I’m waiting for a loooong time and nothing…
I also tried to reset my password, put my email and waited for the link in my email, but surprise, nothing happened, the platform didn’t send me the code to my email to reset my password…
Help me please…!!!


Please check your other inboxes such as trash or spam, as emails might be delivered there depending on your email settings. Have you received a confirmation message that emails have been sent? Are you using the correct email address?

Best regards,

I check all my other inboxes, include trash and spam, the email address is correct, Otherwise, I wouldn’t take the credentials entered to send me the email…
I Didn’t received a confirmation message to the email
I wait your answer
Best regards,


To solve this issue we’ll need your credentials. Since it contains private information, please contact us on our direct page via “Contact us” form.

Best regards,


Same issue here, I just sent the contact form. I really need this to be sorted swiftly.

It is public holiday today in Latvia - don’t expect any reaction before tomorrow.
But generally you should consider changing from MFA Email to MFA App like Google/Microsoft Authenticator.
Wayyy less hassles :wink:

but, i can’t log in to my account…
how i can change the MFA email to MFA app whitout log in?
Best Regards,

You cannot - it was more a recommendation for the future.
As Marijus mentioned above, to solve the email issue you need to contact Teltonika via “Contact us” form on

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