I’ve already followed the step-by-step instructions and managed to connect the wifi with RUT950. The other WLAN works great, but the WLAN from the RUT950 doesn’t allow me to access the internet. May I ask what I might have done wrong? Even when connecting directly with a LAN cable, I still can’t open any webpage besides I’ve uploaded all kinds of pictures that show the error.
Thanks for your inquiry!
First, let us confirm if your router has internet connection or not.
Can you please go to the CLI of your router and try this command ping ?
Please copy paste the output here so I can help you further!
Hi @Yassin,
according to your diagram you have an IP address range of
192.168.1.x on the LAN side as well as on the WAN side.
That won’t work at all because the router doesn’t know how
to route because it can’t differentiate between the two
Change the LAN IP of the RUT to e.g. and then
(after some rebooting action) it should work.