Bridge mode when using WAN failover

HI all,

I have a RUT200 router configured with 3 interfaces as failover, in order: physical WAN, WiFi in client mode, mobile. Is it possible to use all of these in bridge mode, depending on the currently active WAN interface? So that when the physical WAN is active, that IP gets passed to my downstream router, when WiFi is connected that IP is passed and when mobile is used that IP is passed.



In theory it should be possible to configure all 3, however, the “failover” feature (Network → Failover → Multiwan) will not work in this case, since the router itself will not be able to reach the internet to verify connectivity. However, if it’s suitable to use regular Linux interface-based “failover” (when the interface loses it’s IP address), then you can configure the following:

  • Set the mobile interface to Passthrough mode

    • This can be done by navigating to Network → WAN → edit the mob1s1a1 interface and change the mode to Passthrough
  • Configure WiFi Relay

  • For Wired WAN it’s a bit more difficult:

    • You can configure DHCP relay - DHCP Relay configuration example - Teltonika Networks Wiki
    • Or you can simply assign the eth0.2 physical interface to LAN:
      • Navigate to Network → WAN, edit the WAN interface. Under physical settings remove eth0.2 interface and press save and apply.
      • Then navigate to Network → LAN, edit the LAN interface, and under physical settings add eth0.2 interface.
      • Disable DHCP server, and set the static IP to be in the WAN network range.
      • However, it’s important to note, that if you’re getting the wired WAN connection directly from your ISP, this may not work.

It’s important to note, that all of my aforementioned configurations are intended to only be used alone (e.g. WiFi relay-only), and when in combination with one another unexpected issues may arise. Please test the setup thoroughly.

Best regards,