Bricked RUTX50 - Help Please!

I was helping test some OpenWRT firmware and I’m now stuck in a state where nothing boots.

I can follow the RUTX50 Recovery Steps and briefly get to the firmware upgrade screen (/uboot.html gives a page not found), but when I select the firmware file and click Update, nothing happens then the page times out.

I have tried this multiple times and am stuck trying to get back to any working firmware.



Firmware should be uploaded to the /index.html page, not /uboot.html. Could you try using that page instead?
More information can be found here: RUTXxx Firmware via The Bootloader Menu - Teltonika Networks Wiki
Alternatively, if you are able to get into OpenWRT, you should be able to flash the firmware using the sysupgrade utility with -f (force) argument as well.
Let me know if any more help is needed.

Best regards,

Thanks @Daumantas .

I am trying to upload via the /index.html page. I only mentioned the /uboot.html as it is not even loading.

I can’t get into OpenWRT at all - no CLI, Web UI or anything is loading.

Not sure what else to do at this stage - for now I have purchased another RUTX50 unit and running stock firmware (although I have to run an old version as GPS/AVL is broken in 7.0.6.x versions).

I really want to get this bricked one working again though…



This may be a long shot, but could you try using an incognito/private page to access the /index.html page? There were some cases when the bootloader page could not be accessed due to cache.
If that does not help, additional tools will be needed to recover the device.
If you are familiar with UART and have the necessary tools, let me know and I will send you a link to get in touch privately. If not, I’d suggest trying to return the device to your supplier. It should be noted, that they may not honor the warranty due to the nature of this failure.

Best regards,

In the end I was able to get the firmware to upload via /index.html using Firefox.

I now have the unit functioning again. Thanks.

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