Bad performance using RUTX50 with a 5G SIM card

Hi community members,

Since a few days, I’m using a brand new RUTX50 with a Poynting Mimo 4-17 outdoor antenna in my campervan, and a 5G SIM Card (an Orange one, in France).

When connecting my phone, my PC or my wife’s PC to the RUTX50 using WiFi, the speed is not good, around 20, 30 or sometimes 40 gbits / seconds. When using the same phone with the same 5G SIM card inside the phone (and not inside the RUTX50), the speed is around 200 gits or more.

Also, there are some internet outage sometimes, when using the SIM card inside the RUTX, but no outage when using the SIM card with my phone …

Maybe this screenshot could help you :

Can you help me to understand this problem and increase the RUTX speed please ?

Thanks a lot !

Hello everybody,
Could somebody help me to understand the problem please ?
Thanks a lot for your kind help :pray:

I got a similar problem, I think, when I have my SIM Card active. It seems the mobile internet connection provides native IPv6 and many things seems to prefer IPv6. So even when my landline connection is up, every software tries to use IPv6 first. This quickly drains my dataplan and the connection turns into a tarpit. Even if I have a working 100 Mbit connection on wan1… I had to disable the SIM-card.

Hi @peter021
First of all, thanks for your help :slightly_smiling_face:
Sorry but I don’t understand what you mean by “disabling the SIM Card”.
I’m using the RUTX with a SIM Card only in order to get the 4G/5G, so I don’t understand how I could disable the SIM Card.
Maybe I do not understand right what you are talking about ?

Ah, sorry for being unclear. I have two internet connections. “wan” and “mob1s1a1”. I think I’ve configured the connections to use “wan” primarily, but whenever “wan” fails it should reroute traffic to “mob1s1a1”. I also configured “mob1s1a1” with a adataplan limit so that it doesn’t consume all of my monthly dataplan in one day. Now, Whenever “mob1s1a1” is enabled my limit, 1065 Mb of data, seems to be consumed almost instantly. As the data limit is reached the router does what it should and caps the data plan, effectively blocking the Internet connection. But “wan” is still operational! There shouldn’t be a failover, there shouldn’t be any consumption at all! So I had to disable the SIM Card removing the failover functionality and voila the router works again, routing all traffic through the “wan” interface. I don’t know why it doesn’t resepect the failover functionality. I think it has something to do about IPv6 being operational on “mob1s1a1” but not on “wan”. It sounds like we don’t have the same problem, unless you also configured a dataplan limit?

Ok oky ! I guess it’s very different from mine, with a single connection using a 4G/5G SIM card …

Hi Herve, are you connecting to your 2GHz Wi-Fi, or your 5GHz Wi-Fi? The 2GHz Wi-Fi will have a stronger signal at distance, but it’s nowhere near as fast as the 5GHz Wi-Fi. 5GHz Wi-Fi transmits data faster but at a much shorter distance. Because you’re in a camper van, this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Also, some older computers will not connect up to 5GHz WI-FI. Just a thought… Just check on your RUTX50 that 5GHz WI-FI is turned on and try connecting to it. Good luck.

Hi @Dave_UK ,
The problem is the RUTX50, not the 2GHz or the 5GHz Wi-Fi. I’ve the same bad performance using 2GHz or 5GHz, and also when connection my phone to the RUTX50 WiFi. Same result when the PC or the phone are very close to the RUTX50 …
Is there a way to control the quality of the RUTX Mobile connection ? I guess this web page can help to see if the connection is good but I don’t know what it means …

Hi @Herve,
The snapshot you’ve sent is the connection of your SIM card to the Orange 5G mobile signal. It looks like you’ve got an excellent connection for 5G. It’s a better signal than I’m getting, so I don’t think it’s anything to do with your Orange SIM card. I have a laptop that’s a few years old, and it won’t connect to the 5GHz WI-FI signal. It will only connect to the 2GHz WI-FI signal with speeds around 40mbps. I’ve just tried my Samsung mobile phone to my RUTX50 WI-FI on the 2GHz and was getting 36 mbps download and 27 mbps upload. On the 5Ghz WI-FI with the same phone, I was getting 181 mbps download and 27 mbps upload. If I was in your position, I would turn the RUTX50 off (disconnect the power) and unscrew all the connectors on the back of the unit, making sure that the WI-Fi leads and everything else is plugged into the right connectors. It could be just a bad connection. Once you have done that, you can eliminate that from the possible faults. You could try changing the channel of the WI-FI… Make sure you’re in advanced mode on the
RUTX50 Then go to Network - Wireless then click on Edit - Check that your channel is in AUTO. This will make try to pick a channel that’s not swamped with other WI-FI signals that could degrade your WI-FI signal. Do the same for your 5GHz WI-FI.

I’m no expert in this as I’ve not had my RUTX50 for very long, and also I’m no expert with networks, or WI-FI… I’m just suggesting things that I would try. First off though… Turn everything off and check the cable connections and check your WI-FI before you move on to the other things… All the best… Dave


Thanks a lot for all these tips @Dave_UK ! I’ll check them as soon as I can, probably this week-end :crossed_fingers:

Hi @Dave_UK ,

Thanks a lot, you were right ! :slight_smile:

For those who have the same problem than me :

  1. I’ve tested the RUTX reception using a RJ45 cable connected to my PC. The speed was excellent, between 200 and 300 mb/sec.
  2. I’ve checked my WiFi RUTX parameters here : , advanced mode
  3. I’ve changed the Wifi 5GHz Settings : Channel → Auto, Country Code → France and Transmit power → 100%. Now the speed is great inside and outiside the van, even with my PC and with my phone.
  4. I’ve done the same with Wifi 2.4GHz Settings but you’re right, it works really faster using 5GHz !

Once again, thanks a lot !

Hi @Herve,

I’m pleased that you managed to get everything working as you wished. I.T. and modern technology can be confusing at the best of times - Don’t I know it! All the best… Dave

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