is it possible to get GitHub - stargieg/bacnet-feed: OpenWRT SDK feed for bacnet server, client and routing apps with luci frontend for configuration and monitoring alarms to run on RUTOS since the feed is based on OpenWRT?
Is it possible to run this feed because BAcnet support in RUT906 or RUTOS isn’t really any good its only a router and even that isn’t even correct like in ASHARE 135. (Because shouldn’t the router be a BACnet Device? but it isnt)
Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the LuCI frontend, as our devices utilize VUCI instead. However, the link you provided contains information related to LuCI.
Best regards,
Is there a proper documentation for vuci frontend, so it could be possible to translate luci to vuci frontend?
VUCI is a web-based graphical user interface similar to LuCI. However, instead of using Lua, VUCI utilizes Vue.js. Unfortunately, there is currently no documentation available for clients or end users.
Best regards,
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