I used to scrape the page https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUTX11_Firmware_Downloads with changedetection.io to get alerted when new Firmware versions were released.
Sometime in the last few days this stopped working—because it appears Teltonika has placed the wiki site behind a Cloudflare Turnstile proxy (I understand their reasons for doing this).
It appears this info is also available via some (mostly) undocumented API endpoints.
E.g. (run on device)
# /sbin/api get /firmware/device/status
{"http_body":{"success":true,"data":{"kernel_version":"5.10.224","version":"RUTX_R_00.07.10.2","build_date":"2024-10-30 06:59:57"}},"http_code":200}
# /sbin/api get /firmware/device/updates/status
…to see current/latest firmwares available. But I’d rather directly check whatever API is being called there instead of having to use a specific device (which could be down, having connectivity issues, etc) to proxy this through.
Is there any proper way to do this, or do I need to use my poor man’s Python script?