700 MHz-800MHz 5G/4G Carrier Aggrecation

Hello there,

I am in a search for a 5G capable new router, eg. RUTX50 seems a good alternative.
Living in Northern Finland where 5G network in 700 MHz bands is recently launched.
My current 4G router shows that LTE bands B8, B20 B 28 are in the air.
RUTX50 datasheet tells that various 700 -800 MHz 5G bands are supported.
I would like to get more knowledge about carrier aggrecation capabilities of RUTX50.
Is it possible to configure CA of any mix of LTE bands and 5G bands in 700-800 MHz frequency range
to get the optimal carrier aggregation for the best performance/data speeds ?
Is there any limitations for CA combinations ?

Greatful for any advice, thanks.

Hi, @pete69! Welcome to our community, great to have you here :smiley:

RUTX50 is a great alternative to access 5G network. RUTX50 band selection may be done in Network → Mobile → Connection at Band Selection dropdown menu select Manual and then select Bands B28 and B29 (700 MHz) or any mix you prefer.
RUTX50 will then scan the spectrum for these frequencies only. If the circumstances are optimal, RUTX50 should do the carrier aggregation automatically with the best option. If any band doesn’t comply with the minimum necessary RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR, it will choose only one to operate.

Band usage may be checked in Status → Network → Mobile. It is shown as in the image below:

  1. Carrier Aggregation Active
  2. Bandwith being used
  3. Bands that are being used

Please, feel free to reply If you have any other questions

Best regards.

Thank you Leaonardo for your reply and valuable information.

A couple of addtional questions
Concerning 5G bands in 700 -800 MHz bands, I assume relevant are n8, n20 and n28
( I have no exact information from operators). Is it like you describe that
RUTX50 likewise is able to scan the 5G spectrum and do carrier aggreation for those
(if sufficient RSRP,RSRQ,SINR). My current router sees RSRP around 85-88 dBm
and RSRQ around 10 dB, might that be enough for carrier aggregation? Hoping that
5G bands are transmitted with similar power levels than 4G bands in my area.

One detail question too. I have an external outdoor antenna pair;
directional, cross-polarization. It has two cables to 2xSMA connectors.
Now when RUTX50 has 4xSMA for mobile antennas. Will it work to connect
external antenna cables to two of RUTX50 SMA connectors and use two RUTX50 local
swivel antennas for the two rest SMA connectors? Does that kind of antenna combination
make problems for RUTX50 ?

Best regards !

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