Hi, I 'm trying to access initial set up on my RUT360.
My first attempt brought up the initial log in screen, I put in
Username: admin
Password: admin01
This resulted in an incorrect username or password message.
Retyped and retried a few times, same result.
Tried factory reset and tried again, same result.
Found something on Teltonika site referring to batches which implied some RUT360 batches use '22 ', as the password.
Retried using 22, 022, admin22, admin 022 as password, same result.
Further searching found something about the numbers in the box label.
Ended up using, 31, 031, admin31, admin031.
With ‘admin031’, something different happened, the loading circle in the middle of the screen appeared and started going round and round
New reply appeared, is unreachable.
Retried same result
Reset RUT360 again.
Now does not bring up log in screen, message now says not responding, not responding in time, is now timing out.
Password should be on router’s panel. Also, you blocked your IP with multiple incorrect password retries. Firstboot router or change IP to static and when try to reach
Actually they write:
" For RUT360 devices, batch numer from when unique passwords are used is 22
You can find the batch of your device on the Product Labels sticker."
So not the password is 22 but the batch number where they start using random passwords.
Additionally, after the firtstboot the IP block goes away.
If you don’t know how to find your IP better don’t mess with it
Timelapse Admin
(Edit: added some info and a tiny bit of sarcasm)