Value for changing the Movement Source with GPRS

I need to know what the value that I need to send to the device to change the movement source to Ignition+Accelerometer

The command that I’m using is: setparam 138:[?]
What I need is the value that I need to send to set for Ignition+Accelerometer.


Hi Bruno,

Please refer to respective device’s parameter list to see check what values should you choose. Refer to parameter list of FMC130 as follows (for reference) - FMC130 Parameter list - Teltonika Telematics Wiki.

When selecting multiple options, add the values e.g.:

  • Ignition (1) + Accelerometer (2) = 3
  • Ignition (1) + Accelerometer (2) + GNSS (4) = 7

Thus, the final command in your case would be:

  • setparam 138:3

Hope this answers your question.

Kind Regards,
Junaid A

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