I need positions fixed every 5 seconds for timing an event at various check points. What is the longest send period (interval between sends) I can use without interfering with the position fixes? I imaging there is a point where the data will take longer than five seconds to send so that send may block the next needed position fix. I’m hoping to extend battery life. Also is there a Records timeout setting for Open Link Timeout, Response Timeout and Network Ping Timeout that may improve battery life?
As I understand from your question, there is no interference between the records time and the sending time, it is totally separated, the device generates records according to the “Min saving period” and stores it in the memory,
the device is following the timer"send period" to send data to the server with respect to the "Min saved record " counter
you can use this setting, as the device will generate a record every 5 seconds and send these records as patches to the server every 1 minute (will send 12 checkpoints to the server)
References: FMC130 Data acquisition settings - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS
and for the open link parameters, then see the screenshot
On another tracker that I use there is a fixed ratio for receive fix and send packets. If I fix every 1 second I have to send within 15 seconds or less and if I fix every 2 seconds I have to send within 30 seconds or less etc.
I’ll exaggerate to try and clarify my question. Say I need position fixes every second but I only want to send those fixes every 10 minutes to extend battery life, will there be enough time between fixes (transmission from satellite) to upload the 600 positions and still switch off the GPRS transmission to reliably receive the next fix one second later. I beleive the GPRS communication interferes with reception of the incoming satellite RF signal.
Hello Mako
Good day!
You can do that, however, when you set the device to generate a record every 1 sec, setting the send period to 10 minutes will not increase the battery life too much, however, you can do that by using the following:
Note: it is better to use Race mode in this case,
the maximum number of the records that the device can collect and store before try to send them to the server is 255
laith kh
Thanks, I will run your settings and now have an answer to my original question. Very happy with the accuracy of the unit too.
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