Teltonica FMM920

Hey, i have get fmm920 to my hydrocopter.
I would use it antitheft alarm system.
So how i can save about radius 200m round my copter. If somebody takes it and it goes out from that radius ; i must get alarm to my cellphone.
What is the right anroid app where i can use fmm920?
Can i configure fmm920 with app?
Do the app show a map where the copter moves if i get an alarm?
What is current consumption in hour, i have an 30ah 12v battery.


Welcome to Teltonika Telematics Community Forum!

So how i can save about radius 200m round my copter. If somebody takes it and it goes out from that radius ; i must get alarm to my cellphone.

Please try to use the Autogeofence settings so that you will get notified when the vehicle enters or leaves the zone.

On Exit - Generate events after the tracker leaves the zone
On Entrance - Generate events after the tracker enters the zone
On Both -Generate events after the tracker enters or leaves the zone

Wiki page: FMM920 Auto Geofence settings - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Another option that you can do for anti-theft solutions is to enable the unplug detection

Wiki page link: FMM920 Accelerometer Features settings - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

For the mobile application, you can use the FMBT app: FMBT Mobile application - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Note: You can only configure basic configuration using this app and it is connected via bluetooth.
Do the app show a map where the copter moves if i get an alarm?

It does not support by FMBT app , this option should be implemented in your server or your own mobile app

What is current consumption in hour, i have an 30ah 12v battery.

For the battery details you can find it here: FMM920 General description - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Best Regards,
Maynard C.

Ok, but how i can switch alarm of before i myself go out from geofence area?
Otherwise i get alarm to my phone everytime i leave from geofense area.
Thanks Juhani


Thank you for reaching out to Teltonika Telematics Community Forum!

You will receive a notification on your server/phone with the AVL ID 175
1 - target left the zone
0 - target entered the zone

For the alarm, your developer should implement the logic of how long the alarm should be when you receive the notification from the auto-geofence.

Best Regards,

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