TAT140 - wake up via accelerometer?


I do have a fundemental question: If a TAT140 is in sleep mode (e.g. because it is right now in “On stop” mode and the mode has been set to 604800s (7 days)), would the device still wake up earlier if the accelerometer detects an acceleration?

Thank you for any help!

The reason for this question is:
Everywhere in the product descriptions it says “Scenarios: Accelerometer wake up”. But when I have my TAT140 in the above mentioned sleep mode and the “Movement Sensitivity” is set to 350 mG, I can run around with the device like crazy, it does NOT wake up and does NOT send any update. It just continues to sleep. Only after the “On stop” counter is expired, it (periodically) wakes up. That means: If during the coming 7 days someone is stealing the TAT140, I would not notice it.

What am I doing wrong here? :slight_smile:

To reply on my own message: Yes, the TAT140 wakes up on accelerometer. Something is wrong with one of my TAT140s, it does not behave as expected. The others ones do wake up and send data. All have the same config. So, maybe its an hardware issue or battery low … hmmmm.


When the TAT detects the acceleration, the TAT on move counter will start and the device will awake when the On Move counter ends,

to detect the movement >> the device should move with power more than 350mG for a certain time (as default it is 20sec)

Note: the device will change the mode without waking up, if you need it to wake up, set the on Move event to Enable

Hej @laith.sa , thank you for your answer! Yes, it works like this. My problem seems to be something else as mentioned - I do have a couple of TAT140’s, and one of them behaves strange.

What I have noticed: When I remove the cover from all TAT140s I have, place them next to each other, put 100% identical config on all of them and power all on at the same time:
They all start to blink (good!), but the problematic tracker seems to “go off” after a while, while the others continue to blink and send their data. But the battery voltage of the problematic one is still good - ~6700mV.

Very strange. I am still investigating…

Me again - so, it looks like it was the battery. I replaced it and now that weird TAT140 is not weird anymore and works as expected. Interssant is that the faulty battery still reported a good voltage…

Nice to hear that, yeah the battery with voltage 6.7 is considered as a drain battery,

TAT uses Li-SOCl2 and the voltage for these battery lifetime is stable around 7V


I see. I was following this: TAT140 Battery Discharge Characteristics - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

… on that page it has been recommended to set an alarm at 6.6V (or lower). So, I thought, voltage above 6.6V should be considered as “good”. :slight_smile:

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