Hey everyone.
I’m using the FMM125, and I didn’t find the protocol to choose the I/O output state, only via SMS. Is it possible to send the command to change the output I/O state over TCP? If yes, how can I do this?
Good day, yes you can send GPRS commands via TCP.
Kindly visit this page to know more: Codec - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (teltonika-gps.com)
First is you need to convert the SMS command into a codec 12/13/14 format.
for example codec 12 format
command: setdigout 1
codec 12 in hex: 000000000000000E0C017365746469676F757420310100007DE7
Best Regards
Maynard C
Thank you very much for the response. I hadn’t noticed that codec12 was used for sending commands to the device. It was there all along hehehe.
Best regards
Gabriel S.
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