I’ve set everything up as in the instructions.
Meter is not installed in the breaker box yet so I didn’t use it, but tested even that in the end.
In master I’ve set the slave start address to 2 and devices is 1
Slave address is set to 2
Master says that it failed to connect to slave 1
The slave says something in the lines “Slave time out”
Tried flipping master and slave between the two chargers.
I even tried connecting a Innepro Pro380-MOD just to see if that would work.
Also doesn’t work, get error for that also.
Then I decided to redo everything.
I actually went out again, opened up everything, tested the cables with a multimeter, double checked everything and took photos.
Also in the end pulled every cable out again and reinserted it, because I noticed on one of the photos it looked messy or badly inserted. So that has also been checked.
Tried again, did factory reset, removed all the cables added resistor to terminate, switched from pair to single cable and used a single twisted pair for AB.
Swapped again the Master and Slave. Before the slave said “DLM slave device communication timed out” now the current slave does not say that. Just the master now gives error “DLM slave device 1 communication fail”
Makes me think the one that was giving the “DLM slave device communication timed out” when it was slave is faulty. Or maybe both just this one didn’t figure it out yet. I have no idea. The errors are to vague.
I’m prepared to give SSH access to both of them if required by tech support.
Tried now with an insulated alarm cable, basically meant for this. There’s something wrong with both of these as both of them also failed to connect to the Inepro meter.
Could you please try to use same pair for A and B (F.E blue to the A port, white&blue to the B port)
Also could you try to disconnect the grounding?
What about the general energy meter parameters, are they the same for both devices?
Could you attach log file from both devices? (it has to be encoded from our side and you wont be able to read it)
I could see all the information from the TS, so the boards are flashed correctly.
I would like you to do the testing (if there is a problem with RS port, we will see)
Connect first charger to the Smart energy meter (check if there is a warning)
Connect second charger to the smart energy meter (check if there is a warning)
If only one of the chargers will be with the warning after that testing, we have to doublecheck if the settings are the same (from what i could see in the app they are the same) (i only unable to see the Energy meter type (is either 3phase or 1phase)
We even can jump in a short teams meeting, to troubleshoot together (tomorrow would be best 2024.07.02)
I swapped master/slave on the two chargers and the new master works now, the new slave still does not.
I’ve disabled Master on the one with Serial number ending on 63 and enabled it on the one ending on 62 (The other way around)
62 = Master and it works, communicates with Inepro 3 phase meter.
63 = Slave, doesn’t communicate.
So 62 works as intended 63 does not.
Seems somehow in the past I must have tried twice the same one, when I said both have issues.
It seems only the one ending in 63 has issues, as it doesn’t communicate with the other charging point or the meter.
Please advise what to do next.
EDIT: After enabling Dynamic Load management makes the master not work correctly either, because it can’t communicate with the slave. So I have to keep the non-functional one off and disable Dynamic load management for the working one to work correctly at least.
Just gonna post this image here, there’s major issues with these chargers. Just got a new one (CP1 on image) and still doesn’t work, now being blamed that there’s something wrong with the wiring. Please someone tell me how the wiring is the problem, when the last one in the chain works until it drops when the charge point reaches 65 °C…
In the installer menu at the bottom there is temperature warning, please increase it to 75degrees.
Default value is 60, and after that charger reduces the charging. It could be that there is a conflict of max charging capacity FW and Meter. Increasing the temperature should solve the issue.
If no, let us know, attach Troubleshoot and we will investigate it more deeply…
That’s the first thing I’ve changed, since day one. It is set to 80 degrees. Also no one is even charging and there’s an error with communication.
Because of giving the retailer the benefit of the doubt, I’ve been holding back some information, that I will just disclose now. I do think one of the issues is just basically the fact that they are on direct sunlight and overheating, when the sun moves and they go into the shade the error goes away.
But the retailer assured me that they can be in the sun. I specifically asked before confirming the order and asked them “They are going to be in direct sunlight, is that going to be an issue?” I was assured that there is no issue and they’ve installed on multiple, even hotter locations than my region, with no problems.
Then after digging around the specifications and manual I see “Operating temperature -30 to +50 degrees” and recommendation to not install in direct sunlight.
That’s for the one that’s actually working. One of them doesn’t even communicate at night.
I am now slowly going past my “being nice phase” which is many times mistaken by naivety or lack of spine.
Communication fail should not be related to warning about the temperature.
We have a lot of devices installed on direct sun, worst what they give is warning about the temperature, but we have not received any complains that it’s not working or comunicating.
Have you tried to disconnect the ground wire?
I would ask the company who sold you the device to organize a meeting and our engineer will join the call if the company will agree on that