Rs232 port GPS fmc125

Good afternoon

I have a project where the FMC125 GPS must deliver the nmea frame through the serial port every second to capture the speed.
Is this executed by programming only? Or should I send a command every second for the GPS to deliver the NMEA frame.
The idea is to display the speed on a display.


The devices including FMC125, can continuously send NMEA logs along with data packets,
Once the device is powered ON and detect the satellite connectivity, there’s no need to send commands every second, The device can periodically read the NMEA data and send it the server at configured intervals.


Good morning:

I need to send the NMEA frame to the equipment serial and to the server as well, the idea is to take the NMEA frame through the FMC125 equipment serial to get the speed and show it on a display.
If I place an RS232 terminal to the device’s serial I must obtain the NMEA frame every second.


In the device configuration of the FMC125, there’s option to enable the name logs. Once enabled, you can retrieve the data through the serial port.

Please check the screenshot below

You can check the details from link FMB125 RS-232 and RS-485 - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS


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