Hi guys, I was just curious about how Timed Output interacts with Daylight savings and a potential workaround for an issue I’m having. So at the moment we have trackers set up to do a certain command at a certain time every weekday which is fine in one half of the year. However, as soon as the clocks change this daily timed output will now be out by an hour. Is there anyway I can keep the trackers doing their timed output at the exact same time everyday regardless of what time of year we’re at??
I know this is quite technical but I would appreciate any help at all, thanks guys!
please clarify:
do you want the event to happen every weekday
at (let’s say) 3 o’clock in the afternoon local time?
(which is on hour earlier during DST)?
do you want the event to happen every weekday
at (again let’s say) 3 pm UTC?