Querying the current IP and Port

Hi Guys
I have a number of FMB130 and 920 units that are on different systems but I don’t know which is which because we lost the SIM/unit allocation data. I need to know the IP and Port for each unit without changing the current values. I will use SMS messages. Can anyone help with the command I need to send? They do not have login or password set.


Good day, please follow the steps below.

  1. send getparam commands.

Format: getparam #;#;…
Commands for getting the Server 1 IP/PORT/Protocol

getparam 2004;2005;2006

Rerefence: FMB SMS/GPRS Commands - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (teltonika-gps.com)
Note: SMS command is limited to 160 characters.

Best Regards
Maynard C

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