One additional data input to wake FMM230 up

I just bought FMM230 for my boat (around 6 meters), updated it to 03.29.00 rev 18 FW, and now configuring it for the application.
When the boat is under surveillance for theft, I have to monitor its location (if someone wants to towe it away), its main battery switch (engine cannot start without power if someone wants to drive it away) and hatches for the locker’s magnetic swithces (if someone wants to steal “stuff” in the lockers or gasoline). The swithes are chained and the circuit is closed when all hatches are closed. Actually the main battery switch is located in one of the lockers and FMM will be installed in one of them. In the “normal” state the switches present +12V to the device input.
And in addition I want to request its location from time to time using 4G network (2G will be closed soon). All this is made using SMS’es (requests and alarms).
GNSS is configured as movement source, DIN1 is mapped to ignition source and hatch relay chain to DIN2 (or could be DIN3) input

For saving battery I have to use sleep modes. 30mA is way too much for my application

I have few questions for the operation (I am new to FMM):

  1. If I use GPS sleep mode and use GNSS as a movement source, it has to wake up to get the position. Which timer configures that wake up? is it (in the Configurator version the System/Sleep mode configuration there are two timers: Timeout timer and Periodic Wakeup timer. Timeout timer puts system to sleep but what does Wakeuptime do?
    In GPS sleep mode I assume all I/O are operational and I can detect battery turned on and hatches state change
    This takes me down to about 20mA

  2. I want to use even more advanced power saving. I think closest is the Online Deep Sleep (which also meets my power requirement, below 11mA). Same question naturally related to movements source as above and looks it wakes up also if ignition DIN1 goes to +12V. In Online Deep Sleep all I/O is turned off but it still monitors input configured as Ignition source (DIN1 in this case). Am I correct?
    How can I monitor hatches, namely DIN2/DIN3 if the boat is docked and battery switch is not turned on? How do I wake up the FMM?
    I’d like to get alarm as soon as possible if someone open any of the hatches, that is when DIN2/DIN3 goes from +12V to 0V. Looks DIN2/DIN3 cannot wake up the system. What are my options here? Could that be added in future firmware verions for kind of “intrusion detection” application?

Thank you for your assistance