No SMS reply from FTC devices

I haven’t been able to get any SMS reply from FTC devices through the Emnify network.

  • device FTC881
  • Firmware: 0.40.3 (had the problem with the previous firmware too)
  • APN is set correctly to em
  • 4G data works fine, I get tracking data from the device.
  • I can send messages, and they are marked as ‘delivered’.
  • My emnify account is set to a profile than can send/receive sms. I can do it in other devices happily.
  • I have no password set, and include a space before the command.

Any ideas from anyone?!

Hello @ipearx,

Good day! :slight_smile:

Could you confirm if you were sending the SMS commands with 2 spaces or a space before the command? It is also, worth checking if there were any passwords or Authorized numbers that were configured in the device Configuration.

For more information about FTC881 SMS/call settings, you may refer to this link: FTC881 SMS/call settings - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Patrick S.

Hi as mentioned in the post:

  • No password set (I did try adding a password, no difference)
  • I’m adding 1 space before the commands. I did try 2 and 0 spaces as well, just to double check I wasn’t being stupid :slight_smile:

Hello @ipearx,

Understood, yes 1 space before the commands should be sent for FTC devices. Have you checked if there were Authorized Numbers set on the device?

Otherwise, if there were no number set. We would like to analyze your issue, please send all the details to the helpdesk or contact your sales.

The details include the following.

  1. Device IMEI.
  2. Configuration file.
  3. Device Logs and Dump files

If you don’t have any contacts with our Sales managers or do not have an HD account, please get in touch with them on our official website and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you click, please fill out the form and submit it.

Kind regards,

Correct, no number set. I’ll lodge a support request. Thanks

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