How we get programme number for marcedes volvo man truck with different years of truck manufuring.with LVCAN200 AND FM130.
How we get programme number for marcedes volvo man truck with different years of truck manufuring.with LVCAN200 AND FM130.
You can visit official wiki page and download corresponding list here: https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/CAN_adapter_supported_vehicles
Please check the list of supported vehicles from link CAN adapter supported vehicles - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS, The program numbers for each vehicle are also included in the list.
If your vehicle is on the supported list, you can contact the sales manager at Teltonika to request the connection scheme for your vehicle.
If you don’t have any contacts with our Sale managers, kindly contact with them on our official website https://teltonika-gps.com/ and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you will click, please fill the form and submit it.
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