Low Power Charging Issue with Teltonika 22kW Charger for My Togg Vehicle

I am using a Teltonika 22kW electric vehicle charger and encountering an issue. My Mini Cooper, which supports 11kW, can be charged at 11kW using this charger. However, when charging my Togg brand car, which has a 22kW charging capacity, the power does not exceed 2.7 kW. There is no restriction set on my Togg car for 22kW charging. Also, the charging unit is set to 32 amps and does not have a limit. I can charge my Togg car at other stations at 22kW without any issues. But for some reason, with this device, the power does not go beyond 2.7 kW. Despite trying various settings adjustments, I have not been able to resolve the issue.


Good day, the charger will only utilize the maximum power available from your grid to charge the vehicle.

Did you try to charge another vehicle?
Does this issue only happen to Mini Cooper?

To investigate the issue further, please provide the following to HD or your sales manager.

  1. charger logs.
  2. power reading from your electrical grid.
  3. screenshot of charger configuration from the mobile application.

If you don’t have contact with them, please create an HD or send an email to us.

Send an email to Teltonika Energy - IoT, Internet of Things (teltonika-energy.com) and click the contact button. When you click, please fill out the form and submit it. Note: as a topic, please choose “Teltocharge”. Or you can send an e-mail with a description of your situation to us: Teltonika - IoT, Internet of Things

Best Regards
Maynard C

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