iButton + buzzer: how to configure?

Hello partners,

I’m looking for any advice about using iButtons for driver ID together with a buzzer for user feedback.

The functionality for user feedback in the FMC125 and similar devices appears to be very limited.

There are two scenarios in which the buzzer should activate:

  1. Ignition on (trip started) but driver not identified: activate buzzer connected to DOUT 1 , to remind/annoy the driver to identify by scanning his iButton.
    We can use the immobiliser scenario to do this, but there are two problems:
  • When the immobiliser scenario is enabled, all other scenarios which use the same DOUT are disabled
  • Immobiliser scenario doesn’t allow cycling of the DOUT (eg. on 500ms / off 500ms)
  1. Driver identification during a trip (driver change without stopping the ignition / ending a trip): activate buzzer connected to DOUT 1 for 300ms, for example, to show that the iButton was read successfully.
  • The Driver ID scenario provides this functionality, but it is disabled by the immobiliser.

Is there any other way to achieve similar functionality?

Hi @Stelvio

You can use FMC130 which has 3 DOUTS meaning you can utilize other DOUT for some other features.
About the ON/OFF duration of DOUT this is not implemented for immobilizer, so try to use our Custome scenario firmware: Custom Scenarios - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

If you need more information please contact your sales or create an HD ticket.

Best Regard
Maynard C

Hi Maynard,

Yes, I know we could use a different device; the FMC650 in our case because we also need an RS232 port. However, connecting two DOUTs to a single buzzer would complicate the wiring and should not be necessary. The firmware is the problem here.

The FMC125 is marketed as having driver ID functionality, but what is provided is only half a solution. The DOUT 1 can be configured either as a reminder to log in (“immobiliser” scenario), or to indicate that the iButton was read (“ID read notification” scenario), but not both at the same time.

The device has a DOUT pin. It should be possible to use that pin to provide appropriate user feedback for the iButton/RFID reader. It isn’t possible, and that makes the driver ID scenario mostly useless in this device.


Please check the wiki page that I have provided and check the instructions for the custom scenario.

The firmware is also available for download using the custom scenario you can create different use cases with different logic like the example below if you need more information about the solution provided kindly check with your sales and create HD ticket.

Best Regards
Maynard C

Thank you, Maynard. That is fantastic work by the development team. Custom scenarios will really expand the business cases for these devices.

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Thank you again, Maynard. We configured and tested the new firmware in one of our trucks. The functionality is working perfectly.

I’ll provide some details in case they may be useful to others:

We have the following hardware:

  • FMC125 device, but should work with any that have 1-wire input and at a DOUT pin. Check Maynard’s link for supported models.
  • iButton probe/reader installed in the dashboard of the truck, connected to the 1-Wire input
  • piezo buzzer connected to the DOUT1 of our device

Configured as follows:

Features > ID Read Notification: short 100ms activation of DOUT1 (buzzer). This is useful to indicate that a new iButton is scanned without stopping the ignition of the truck. For example, driver change at a warehouse.

Custom Scenarios
We are using Custom Scenario 1 to activate DOUT1 (buzzer) on/off for 500ms. This is to annoy the driver until he scans his iButton.

One small nuance about using iButtons: it is necessary to enable the “Trip \ Odometer” function, so that the iButton ID is remembered in the device. Otherwise the address/ID will be set to 0 as soon as the iButton is removed from the reader.

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