iBeacon - Same UUID but different MAC

What’s the procedure to make several iBeacons visible (with the same UUID but different MAC). It only seems that it will pick up one of the beacons. So what is needed to setup the FMT100/FMP100 etc to see the different beacons based on their MAC?


Good day, are you using eye beacon?

Please find the details below.

  1. Check the device’s latest firmware where you can receive the beacon ID and the MAC address of the beacons.
  2. For more information please check this wiki page: EYE BEACON / BTSID1 - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (teltonika-gps.com)
    Best Regards
    Maynard C

Hi There,

Its a thirdparty beacon - From Minew, so that EYE beacon section isn’t visible?

Hi If you have the beacon protocol from minew then you can create the advance beacon mode preset, also check from the protocol if the beacon is advertising its MAC adrress.

Please follow the wiki page below.

Advanced Beacon Capturing Configuration - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (teltonika-gps.com)

Best Regards
Maynard C

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