GH5200 after power on IO element status sending - feature request

Hi Teltonika,
I am using GH5200 and I setup to send some IO elements Even only and On Change. One of such IO element is charger_connected. But, once the battery is fully discharged, the last IO element charger_connected value in DB is 0. This 0 (zero) value was saved to DB at the time when tracker was disconnected from charger. After connecting tracker to charger, it starts up but NOT sending any information about IO elements status, so from database perspective is not connected to charger. I am requesting you to have option to create record with all IO Elements after power on.
Eventually create record with IO Elements which have Event Only = yes setup.

Thank you


If the tracker powers off and then turns back on after some time, it will resume sending location data, along with any other input/output that are enabled in the device’s configuration ; the data will send after the periodic time interval you’ve set under the data acquisition settings.

Furthermore an event can also be generated over AVL 390 with power status

Please check the details on device configuration and AVL’s from the link


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