FMU130 and FM3612 Configuration

Hello to all. I cannot get communication with this devices to the configurator. I suspect due firmware issue. Can someone give me a clue to update it to this two devices or some other cause? I know that are discontinued but both was working properly some weeks ago. Thanks in advance.


Good day, maybe you are not using the correct configurator for your device firmware, to get the correct configurator kindly contact your sales manager or send a message to us.

If you don’t have any contact with our Sales managers, please contact them on our official website and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you click, please fill out the form and submit it.

Best Regards
Maynard C

Thanks Manynard.
with the Teltonika.Configurator_1.4.10_C_160 I manage to read and write in the FMU130. I use a dedicated one for the FM3612 (FM36XX_Configurator_v1.1.13.5)
Thanks for your reply.