FMM230 gprs status

On my fmm230 gprs status is deactivated, althought modem on, sim status ready, signal good.
Gprs has APN > internet.
Should i wrote to server settings(
And port 5000?
Gnss has 18 satellites
What is wrong?
T. Juhani

Hi Juhani,

Good day, Thank you for contacting Teltonika Telematics!

Please follow the steps below

  1. Configure your device APN
  2. Configure your own server details ( should be coming from your IT department )

For for information please follow this wiki page link: FMM130 First Start - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

To know more about the device configuration please click here: FMM130 Configuration - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Maynard C.