Fmm130 gprs deactivated

I have 50 fmm130 devices and they are all giving a GPRS deactivated error. I have updated the firmware to the latest version xxx Rev18. Yet still the error persist. I would be grateful for any assistance. I have contacted the Mobile operator and they are looking to see if they can see any issues. I have seen a message in the device log dump eM2M_Tid_AUTOAPN_Init[109] dropped. Im not sure if this can help in getting the problem. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Please note 2G is not available with this career. So this device will only be operating on 4G. So does that mean that the GPRS status will remain as deactivated.



Since the device supports 4G LTE Cat M1, you should check with your operator to ensure that the sim card you are using is compatible with 4G CAT M1. Additionally, verify if there are any supported bands available in the area where you are using the sim card

Also please check the network settings in the configuration and select 4G. If you can find the details of the IoT network band, please select it manually in the configuration and then test the device


Hi Thanks. This device was recommended form my country by teltonika sales rep, however from what you are saying now LTE-M is required but that’s not available neither is 2G fallback. Is there any plans to at least have 3G fallback update. This is because most providers now are shutting down their 2G networks while keeping their 3G, 4G still operating as they build their 5G



Please reach out to the Sales Manager at Teltonika to get a recommendation for the best option based on your requirements.


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