FMM130 does not supported configurator 1.7.72.B3.29


ich have bought a FMM130 M1 for few weeks ago. Now I want to configure it, but the configurator show me “Not supported” I have tested some version but every configurator that I tested show me the same error.

The Configurator show me the Version and IMEI from the FMM130.

Version: 03.27.10 Rev:171

Wich Configurator I need or how I update the FMM130.

thanks for help.

Best regards

Hello @achmed24,

Welcome to Teltonika Community Forum :slight_smile:

The FMM130 device uses a Special Firmware which is why it is showing as Not Supported on the Configurator, either we need to update the Firmware of the Device or you need to use the Specific Configurator that supports this Firmware version. Unfortunately, we do not share firmware files/updater and other files in the community forum.

To receive firmware files, updater, and documentation on devices, please contact your sales manager. If you don’t have any contacts with our Sales managers, please contact them on our official website and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you click, please fill out the form and submit it.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Patrick S.

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