FMC920 data sending during sleep

I’m trying to configure a FMC920 to enter GPS sleep and sending records to the server every 4h while in GPS sleep.
Reading the wiki it says that in GPS sleep, the device continues making periodic records, which it does, but it’s not mentioned if it’s able to send those records to the server.
My configuration:

  • Open link timeout: 120s
  • Sleep timeout: 10min
  • On Stop send period: 14400s
  • On Stop by time: 3600s
  • Record saving/sending mode: after time sync

With those settings, the device enters GPS sleep after 10min that the vehicle stopped and makes records every hour correctly, but it doesn’t send those records to the server until the ignition is turned and it exits sleep.

Am i doing something wrong?

Furthermore while reading the wiki about the Deep Sleep mode instead, it’s said that the GSM/GPRS module is turned on to send data and then it is turned off to send records. Does that happens before entering sleep to send already generated records or does it happens while in sleep every “On Stop by time” seconds?

Thanks to whoever can help me

Hi @marco98ht

Good day! To address this issue, please reach out to your sales manager or create an HD ticket.

If you do not have contact information for our sales managers, please visit our official website at and click on the “Contact Us” button. Fill out the form and submit it when you click.

Note: Please provide the following.

  1. Configuration file.
  2. Device IMEI.
  3. Firmware version.
  4. Logs.
  5. Dump files.

To capture correct logs and dump files kindly follow this wiki link: How to capture direct log from FM device? - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Best Regards
Maynard C

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