FMC880 issue with conncetivity


I’m trying to connect FMC880 to my pc, but configurator can’t find my device via bluetooth.
At first configurator software found my FMC880, but when trying to connect to it, the software crashed and program became not responding. After reopening a program device cant be found. I updated drivers, reinstalled software couple times, but the device still doesnt appear in software. Computer was paired and connected with device via bluetooth during this time when trying to find it in software. Any ideas how to solve this issue?

Did you try with USB? moreover I will ask you to try to use the latest firmware and configurator for this device:

Firmware versions - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

If both ways USB and latest firmware are not working please contact your sales manager to arrange you a remote session with technical team in your region.

Our helpdesk platform:

Kind regards.