FMC130 Codec 8, recibo solo 0 en latitud y longitud

I am trying to understand the codec8 protocol but I cannot receive latitude and longitude information, the data comes in 0.

It could be that the device is defective or you need to do some additional configuration

Link to code example i recibe in second one comunication

And the textual response

That the data parsed into bytes acorde to documentation link abobe Codec - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

Preamble 00000000
Data Field Length 000004d6
Codec ID 08
Number of Data 13
Timestamp 00000192ce91c668
Priority 00
Longitude 00000000
Latitude 00000000
Altitude 0000
Angle 0000
Satellites 00
Speed 0000

Hello @ash2024_1994,

I hope you are doing well. Are you testing inside your office or home?

Normally, GPS Satellites could not penetrate in such instances so I am recommending you place the device where there is an open sky with the sticker engraving facing up. Please try and let me know if you encounter the same results.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Patrick S.

In the configurator it does show me the latitude and longitude, but when I receive it with the codec8 protocol it does not appear, only 0 are received in the 15 bytes of gps data

I also took it outside and there were no changes in the data.

I currently have a doubt as to whether the following link is applicable to my device or maybe I am making a mistake.


Dear @ash2024_1994,

Understood, I suspect you were receiving Old records from the device. You may try to change the Sort By settings from Oldest to Newest to receive the latest records in priority.

Otherwise, you may delete the internal records stored on the device memory through Configurator under the Status Tab or send " sdformat" SMS/GPRS commands.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Patrick S.

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