Здравствуйте! по ошибке залил конфиг FMB ver на FMC920 через конфигуратор FMB ver. теперь я хочу сбросить настройки и залить конфиг FMC ver через конфигуратор FMC ver. но конфигуратор пишет SETPARAM RESULT DOES NOT MATCH! что мне делать? подскажите пожалуйста?
Hello @Mamur
Kindly use the FMC920 configurator to change the configuration,
Download it from link https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Special:Redirect/file/FMB.Ver.03.29.00.Rev.21_and_configurator.zip
Since the firmware was updated, you might be using the old FMB920 configurator, which is causing the setparam error.
We highly recommend updating to the firmware version that is recommended for device model and not to use the incorrect firmware on the device.
follow the link Firmware versions - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS , where we provide the latest versions for each model.