FMB920 integration with server using TCP channel

Hello team,

I have just purchased FMB920 device and configured. Also configured TCP channel to send gps device data to server.


  1. In server, I am receiving IMEI in first packet, then receiving info json continuously. How should I identify the device in case multiple gps devices are connected with same server?
  2. How should I configure Geofences for each devices via TCP channel?
  3. How should I use FOTA / GPRS based commands to communicate from server to GPS device? (via TCP)

Can you please help me with these queries?


Hello @irfanmomin

1. In server, I am receiving IMEI in first packet, then receiving info json continuously. How should I identify the device in case multiple gps devices are connected with same server?
As you even mentioned in the comment that you are receiving IMEI in the first packet and then data, so each device will send IMEI first, then send the data to the server so you can identify which device sends what data.
Please check the details of data communication from device to server link Codec - Teltonika Telematics Wiki

2. How should I configure Geofences for each devices via TCP channel?
Via TCP channel?
If you meant to say the geofence configuration from software side, then you need to check this with the software provider.
In case you want to configure manual geofence in device configuration then check the link FMB920 Manual Geofence settings - Teltonika Telematics Wiki

3. How should I use FOTA / GPRS based commands to communicate from server to GPS device? (via TCP)

Please check the codec 12 protocol to implement GPRS command communication, Codec - Teltonika Telematics Wiki
About fota web ; its a web interface which use for updating firmware and configuration over the air FOTA WEB - Teltonika Telematics Wiki , it can’t be used for sending and receiving GPRS commands


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