I am using the Teltonika FMB130 device and I need assistance on how to configure the device to record and send data every 1 second once an overspeeding event starts, and then stop once the event ended. After that, the device should revert to it’s normal recording and sending mode.
For normal recordings and sending, I have set the interval to 5 minutes, and the overspeeding threshold I have set to 90 km/h.
Does anyone have suggestions on how I can achieve this configuration?
Connect the selected DOUT ( DOUT 1 for our example to ( use a relay to convert the DOUT signal to Posive signal to trigger the DIN )DIN2 to trigger the in demand tracking )
This is only a guidance you can change the parameters according to the results of your POC or if you want a specific feature please contact your sales manager for the firmware development.
Thank you Maynard I tried this approach, but I noticed it depends on the expiration period rather than the event ending. Can also this achievable through custom features? If so, please guide me before we proceed with further process.