I planned to use FMB125 to send out SMS notification when there is an power interruption using the external voltage with AVL ID 66. I am not very clear how to configure it properly.
Under the IO settings, on the External Voltage I choose Priority Panic, and configure the Low Level to 6000 and High Level to 13000 and Event Only to Yes, with Operand On Change and Averaging Const to 10 (default)
I want the logger to send an sms to the preconfigured number when the External Voltage is dropped, however how do I configure how many SMS to send when it’s being triggered? Meaning when the condition is met, how many sms will be send during the event? Also when the power is return normal, possible for me to receive SMS as well?
Also another questions regarding the sms event, is there a way to group the number or I need to configure the event for each number as shown in the attachment?