FMB120 data sending over mqtt

can fmb120 sends data to custom mqtt broker? And kindly also tell me the by default topic name of fmb120.


The device is configured to send data to MQTT through AWS or Azure, using the topic name DeviceImei

Kindly check more details from below link


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Is it possible that I can receive fmb120 json data on my custom mqtt broker?

Hello @obaid

Currently the MQTT protocol support in base firmware is only available for AWS shadow/custom and Azure.


Hello @Maryam

Thank you so much for your guidance and support.

I’ve been trying to get data from my device to the broker for the past three days. Now, I realize that the firmware on the device doesn’t support this functionality.

I appreciate your help in making this clear!

I have successfully set up the device to use my Mosquitto MQTT broker. I use the “AWS Custom Shadow” setting, which allows me to change the topics. And I had to use certificate for auth/encryption (it would not work without encryption). It is pretty straight forward, and you have to upload the CA, cert and private key to the device (3 files totally).

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