FMB 920 Frequent disconnection error

Hi Team

I am facing issue of FMB 920 devices disconnecting from server randomly and does not connect back until the device restarts itself or I issue a cpureset command. During this period I am able to communicate to the device with SMS. It shows GPRS is active but Data Link value is 0. Can someone give any insight based on the logs below.

SMS Response to getstatus command: “Data Link: 0 GPRS: 1 Phone: 0 SIM: 0 OP: XXX94 Signal: 5 NewSMS: 0 Roaming: 1 SMSFull: 0 LAC: XXX63 Cell ID: XXX82 NetType: 1 FwUpd:-65536”

Device Log

Æ U iq@ÈZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:23]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2600):[SOCKET.OPEN.0417] Error: 16
   lU ‰q@ÈZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:23]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3033:[ERROR.HANDLER.0417] Caller: 2/socket open, code: 16, type: 0, Cnt:[E:6, W:0, A: ÅU 
 U Yq@ÈZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:23]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:0 Fail Cnt:5 (50) Valid:1
 uU Yq@ÈZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:23]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:3 Fail Cnt:3 (50) Valid:1
 pU iqÊZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:25]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2600):[SOCKET.OPEN.0732] Error: 16
    U ‰q
ÊZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:25]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3033:[ERROR.HANDLER.0732] Caller: 2/socket open, code: 16, type: 0, Cnt:[E:6, W:0, A: ˆU 
 [U Yq
ÊZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:25]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:0 Fail Cnt:5 (50) Valid:1
 <U Yq
ÊZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:25]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:3 Fail Cnt:3 (50) Valid:1
 9U iqxÌZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:28]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2600):[SOCKET.OPEN.0417] Error: 16
   [U ‰qxÌZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:28]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3033:[ERROR.HANDLER.0417] Caller: 2/socket open, code: 16, type: 0, Cnt:[E:6, W:0, A: òU 
 (U YqxÌZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:28]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:0 Fail Cnt:5 (50) Valid:1
 BU YqxÌZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:28]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:3 Fail Cnt:3 (50) Valid:1
 GU YqþÍZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[WD.FUNC]	WARNING @ 205:[1] counter:2 Cnt:497 Limit:10800
ÒU YqþÍZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[WD.FUNC]	WARNING @ 205:[2] counter:2 Cnt:518 Limit:10800
×U ‰qFÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(1944):get host by name failed!, input:, evt sending: ena ÃU %qFÎZ€ðbled. API Fail:2530 Cause:0
XU YqFÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3208:Trying to close unused sockets
  vU aFÎZ’ PaÝ+ð    ÍU aFÎZ’ Pa«ð   …U aGÎZ’ Pa«ð   ‡U aGÎZ’ Pa«ð   †U aGÎZ’ Pa«ð   U aGÎZ’ Pa«ð   €U 
aGÎZ pŸðU 
aGÎZ pŸðU 
aGÎZ pŸðU 
aGÎZ pŸðU 
aGÎZ pŸðU 
aGÎZ pŸðU YqGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2442):DNS failed:8
   SU eqGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2600):[SOCKET.OPEN.0732] Error: 8
XU ‰qGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3033:[ERROR.HANDLER.0732] Caller: 2/socket open, code: 8, type: 2, Cnt:[E:7, W:0, A:0 ÎU 
  %U YqGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:0 Fail Cnt:6 (50) Valid:1
 uU YqGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:3 Fail Cnt:3 (50) Valid:1
 sU aqGÎZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:30]-[REC.SEND.1]	WARNING @ 747:Link open failed! Result:8 Bkp Mode:2
 U iq°ÐZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:33]-[NETWORK]	ERROR @ m2m_network_api.c(2600):[SOCKET.OPEN.0417] Error: 16
   …U ‰q°ÐZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:33]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 3033:[ERROR.HANDLER.0417] Caller: 2/socket open, code: 16, type: 0, Cnt:[E:7, W:0, A: -U 
 üU Yq°ÐZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:33]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:0 Fail Cnt:6 (50) Valid:1
 ŸU Yq±ÐZ€ð[2024.03.16 14:42:33]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 615:Socket:3 Fail Cnt:3 (50) Valid:1
 ˜U uqñÓZ€ð[LiPo]	cant en charger; Vext: 1, Vbat: 0, first charger: 0, addon: 1, dsleep: 1, battery prot not active
   ’U ]qñÓZ€ð[LiPo]	BatState: 1 FSMState: ACTIVE ChargerIC: OFF ExtV: 11996 BatV: 4075 BatI: 0

U ‰qñÓZ€P	CCID        : 8991000907356786895
	IMSI        : XXXXXX654931045
	Data Link   : 0/0/0/0/0/0
	GPRS Status : 1
	Phone Status: 0
 ¤U 5qñÓZ€P	PIN Attempts : 10,3
	GSM Operator: 40494
  TU ‰qñÓZ€P	Bat. Charge : 5
	GSM Signal  : 3
	Service     : 1
	New Message : 0
	Roaming     : 1
	SMS Full    : 0
	Voice Call  : 0
	LAC     U ‰qñÓZ€P     : XXX62
	Cell ID     : XXX94
	CFUN        : 1
	CSQ (rssi)  : 16
	QCSQ (rssi) : -0 dBm
	QCSQ (rsrp) : -0 dBm
	QCSQ (sinr) : šU iqñÓZ€P -20.0 dB
	QCSQ (rsrq) : -0 dB
	[0]SIM detected: 1
	Network Type: 1/GSM
	Current LTE BAND: 0

Hi Vinod,

Good day, regarding this issue, kindly submit the logs to our local engineers from your region, please create an HD ticket or contact your sales manager.

Before that, you can check the following.

  1. Make sure that the FMB920 has the latest firmware. Download link:
  2. Enable the network status from the IO and observe its value once the device gets disconnected from the server.
  3. check each location from where it was disconnected


  1. Add all of the info below to your ticket
  2. device configuration,
  3. IMEI,
  4. terminal logs,
  5. SIM number etc.

Best Regards
Maynard C

Dear Maynard

Thanks for the info. I am in touch with local support team and received response that the issue is sim provider closing the connection. As I can see from SMS response the GPRS is 1 and the Data Link is 0, so the device is not disconnecting from internet. I am reaching out here to get more insight into the error in the logs and how it is deduced it is the network provider at fault.

Hello Vinod,

To test kindly setup 1 FMB920 in your office and check if the disconnection happens from your office location and compare it to the device that is installed to the vehicle, as I mention just take note of the location where the disconnection happens.

Best Regards
Maynard C

Hi Maynard

I have tried and failed replicating the same issue at my office with 5 devices kept online for a week. But again the issue occurs in field when the device loose network and fails to connect back. Can any insight be made based on the logs shared?

Hello Vinod,

If the devices didnt disconnect from your office setup, probably the issue is with the network provider, kindly coordinate with your local support and contact your network provider to sort out this issue.

Best Regards
Maynard C.

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